Want To Join Team? Click Button. Click to request Test-Drive Tryout Athlete Interest Request Form 077-Contact Coach (#152)ΔWho is completing this form?AthleteParent / GuardianINTERESTYour Interest Joining Team Very interested in competing in track and field. Want to improve speed for another sport. Prepare for Spring school track season. Not in track condition and need conditioning Has never run track want to see if they / I like itJoining Team requires a Test-Drive Test-Drive TryoutWhy do you want your athlete to join the Blue Lightning Track Club?Season(s) of interest (check all that apply) Off-Season Conditioning (Sep-Oct) Indoor Track (Nov-Jan) Spring Summer All Seasons Not SureABOUT ATHLETEAthlete first nameAthlete Last NameGender- Gender -MFAgeBirthdateSchoolGrade- Grade -Kindergarten1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th11th12thCollegeCountyAthlete mobileATHLETE SPORTS BACKGROUNDTell us about your athlete.Rate your athlete's athleticism.- Please select -Very athleticAbove averageAverageNot the athletic typeDo not knowRate your athlete's fitness level.- Please Select -In great shapeIn good shapeNeeds some conditioningOut of shape (needs full conditioning)I do not knowHas the athlete participated in track and field in the past? Yes NoList type of track and field participation. Club High school Middle school Parks & Rec Elementary school running club None of the aboveThe most recent year the athlete competed in a track and field?- Select year -2024202320222021202020192018 or laterOptional, but helpful - Cut and paste a link to the athlete's Milesplit profile.What type of athlete is he/she? Sprinter (runs fast!) Distance (can run long distances) Field event (can throw or jump) Do not knowDoes athlete have other sports experience? Yes NoList other sports experience (ie. football, soccer, softball, baseball, basketball, cheerleading, dance, etc.)PARENT / GUARDIAN INFORMATIONRelationship to Athlete- Select -MotherFatherGranparentAuntUncleCousinBrotherSisterGuardianOtherFirst NameLast NameEmailPhone/MobileDid the Parent / Guardian compete in sports in AAU, high school, or college? Yes NoSome description about this sectionIf so, please list sports here. If you ran track, list eventsHow did you hear about the Blue Lightning Track Club? I agree to be contacted by the Blue Blue Lightning Team Coordinator or Head Coach. Submit Athlete Interest Request Copy this page link your calendar, email, or text.