Coach "D" Richard David
Coach David is a Level 1 Certified USATF Coach and has coached youth athletes for 16 years. He is a retired marine of 20 years. Known to the Blue Lightning Track Club as “Coach D” – he is well-rounded in multiple track and field events and competed in cross country, 100, 200, 400, 4×200, and the long jump in high school.
Coach D has coached USATF Clubs and ALL-Americans in North Carolina. He has numerous coaching training certifications and camps, including for the Military Para Olympics in Colorado Springs in the Wounded Warrior Program.
Coach D Says, “I coach for the love of track and field and teaching and training young people to be the best version of themselves and become an asset to society.”
Other sports:
Basketball, flag, and eight-man football in the military.
Education: USATF, U.S. Marines, Military Para Olympics in Colorado Springs in the Wounded Warrior Program.
I look forward to coaching your Champion!
Coach D